
Slowtravel Experience -
sustainable & conscious travel

Camino de Santiago, sailing, Antarctic cruises, freighter travel & train travel

Camino de Santiago

The traditional Caminos
in France, Spain & Portugal

Classic French Camino, Primitivo, del Norte &
Portuguese interior and coastal Caminos

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Train travel

Discover the most beautiful areas of
Spain comfortably by hotel-train

Andalusia, Basque Country,
Cantabria, Asturias, Galicia

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Sailing Trips worldwide, for example aboard the SV Eye of the Wind

Sailing Trips

Sailing trips
around the world

Sailing routes
North Europe, South Europe, Atlantic crossing, Caribbean, Argentina, Chile & Antarctica

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Antarctic sailing cruises aboard the SV Bark Europa

Polar Expeditions

Sailing cruises
to Arctica and Antarctica

Shipping routes
Antarctica, Chile, Cape Horn, Argentina,
Arctica, Greenland, Norway

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Freighter Travel with Slowtravel-Experience

Freighter Travel

Travel by cargo ship -
Areas currently very limited

Shipping routes
Europe - Africa
Europe - Roundtrips

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Mail ship Aranui 5 South Sea Cruise

Aranui 5 South Sea Cruise

Discover gorgeous South Sea Islands
aboard of the Aranui 5

Shipping routes
French Polynesia
Marquesas Islands

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Welcome to Slowtravel-Experience!

"Traveller, there is no path, the path is made by walking."
(Antonio Machado)

Traveling slowly and sustainably is the art of moving from any place in the world to another, finding an openness to the present moment where life reveals itself in all its fullness.

Be it in the encounters along the way, with experiences in nature, or through surprising discoveries in unfamiliar surroundings. For this kind of sustainable travel, Langsamreisen offers selected sailing ship, cargo ship, mail ship and pilgrimage tours.Before the pandemic, many destinations in the world could be reached without airplanes by combining these modes of transport. Unfortunately, passenger carriage on cargo ships continues to be severely restricted, as shipping companies thus want to protect their crew and thus their main business, the cargo.

Wherever travelers are located, whether due to a trip around the world or their actual place of residence, we would like to offer these people an alternative to traveling by plane or cruise ship and show how diverse the possibilities are to travel more sustainably. In terms of sustainability in tourism, it is our concern to make our offer ecologically and socially responsible.

Compared to cruises or air travel, our CO2 emissions are already very low, which is why we are obligated to compensate 100 percent through atmosfair climate protection projects. In addition, our types of travel, such as cargo, mail and sailing ship trips, also offer all people with a fear of flying an alternative, for example, to take the time to travel far away after treatment of a burnout or as part of a sabbatical.

Sustainable tourism or sustainable travel consequently includes all aspects of our inner as well as outer nature.